NXP Jcop4 180K SecID J3R180 Java Card

Product Details:


Key Features:

The architecture of JCOP 4 P71 180K J3R180 is based on several independent third-party specifications: the Java Card specification from Oracle, the GlobalPlatform specification from the GlobalPlatform consortium, the specifications from the International Organization for Standards (ISO), EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and VISA), and others.
National eID, Electronic Passport, Electronic Driver’s License Card, Electronic Health and Social Benefits Cards, ePKI / eServices / Digital Signature Card, Payment and Micro Payment, Public Transport, Logical and Physical Access

Application areas:

National eID, Electronic Passport, Electronic Driver’s License Card, Electronic Health and Social Benefits Cards,ePKI / eServices / Digital Signature Card, Payment and Micro Payment, Public Transport, Logical and Physical Access.

NXP Jcop4 180K SecID J3R180 Java Card Usage scenarios